I know its been a while since my last blog post and I have no excuses. I have kinda lost my mojo. It comes in spurts and leaves just a quickly as it gets to me. I was hoping with the work slow down at the Q, reduced hours, I could get alot of sewing done but noooooooo. I have enjoyed reading others blogs and having been getting a some great inspiration from yall. Just havent had the energy to get more sewing done. I have decided to start a tiny little at home cottage industy with my quilts and crafts. from time to time I will be posting of some things I have designed and made for sale. I will be posting on my facebook page too. Like I said before I have done a little sewing but I hope to get more done this summer. KEYWORD: Hope.......
I still working on my meandering and wavey stuff, but I think I got the spirals nailed. This is a BOM from several years ago that I gifted to my Nephew's wife Michelle. Should have seen the big ass grin on her face when I presented it to her.
This is my new purse. I put together the best parts of 3 different purse patterns I got free off the net. I used cut off legs of a pair of jeans I had and some sturdy canvas material. I like this purse, lots of pockets and small.
Inside of purse. 2 more pockets on the inside, great for keeping my work id safe and a pen.
For my local quilting buddies (southeast Virginia/northeast North Carolina) who read my blog. I have started a Quilt Binding Service. I have always said that the binding on a quilt is a necessary evil. If you have a Quilt that you would like me to finish the binding on, please contact me at Erzebatbat@aol.com. Please put in the subject line, Quilt Binding Service so I dont automatically delete ya.
Thanks for hanging in there with me and the blog.
Keep On Stitch'n On!
(mauh) Liz