I love mail call! getting squishies in the mail are so much better than the usuall bills and junk mail! in the last couple of weeks I have gotten ninepatches from an online exchange I am in, 30s repro strips that I am trading with a chatroom friend. we both lost our jobs about the same time and wanted and need to fix our addiction for 30s repros. we both have large stashes so we agreed to send some to each other. Its amazing how different our collections are. I sent her about 20 pieces of various sizes (she is making a catheral window quilt) and she send me 30plus strips out of her stash (Im making a summer quilt for memememe!). we had about 4 pieces the same. Thank you Doreen! you have made my stash very happy!
the next pakage is a blog give away from JulieK http://juliekquilts.blogspot.com/
she had a give away during memorial day. she was cleaning out her sewing room and was giving away on a first come first serve basis. I saw these precut hexagons and I had been encouraged by local quilters 'to join the fold' of the hexagon makers. I have seen this growing popular trend in the blogs as well. I asked for them and I recieved! interesting thing however......when I got the box, I looked at the floral pieces and said to myself, that material sure does looke familiar. then I remembered.....I have sheets made from the same stuff! vintage sheets at that! they are at least 30 years old! Im a pack rat, can throw away nuffin.....I did throw away the bottom sheet cause it was pretty much thread bare but keep the top sheet. I will use that as the backing whenever I get the top part done. Julie said she may have to do that again. pop on over to her blog and see whats she does....
ok...alittle announcement......some how I missed my first year blogaversary. with all the crazyness of last spring, getting fired from old job, picking up a new job and training for weeks, looking for another job to supplement the income cause this one aint covering the bills, it somehow snuck passed me. now I see on the blog list that I am close to 100 posts! this called for a double giveaway!! stay tuned for more info in the coming days (wicked evil batgrin)......
Keep On Stitch'n On!
(mauh) Liz
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