It just dawned on me it will be Christmas in less than 4 weeks! ack ack!!!! Where in the hell did the time go? It was just Halloween! As I have written before, I write articles for an online quilting newsletter called NinePatchNews. A group thru Yahoo. I do a series called recycle and re purpose.
I am home tonight cause they are cutting hours at the Q again (sigh). So I have been planning what my xmas gifts will be to some of the family. While surfing the net I came across a few sites that would work for the gifts AND Decembers article!
Since I am poor again this Xmas *snarf* I have to be 'creative' as to what I am giving. Between mug rugs and grocery bags I will be all set for gift giving! Thank goodness for my stash. I am one of those pack rats that will take unwanted material from friends that are ' too busy' to sew anymore or have taken up another hobby.
Enjoy these links, I sent them out via email to my quilting buddies and they loved them!
love this one, got any vintage linens? this would be a great hostess gift!
I love this pattern, quick to make and you can adjust the measurements to make a small sack
Take the collar, square it up. add a zipper and you have a long pouch to store knitting or crochet hooks in. perfect for that knitter in your life!
Take the collar, square it up. add a zipper and you have a long pouch to store knitting or crochet hooks in. perfect for that knitter in your life!
recycle a shoe box (decorate it) to store the kit in. kids will love this!
Keep On Stitch'n On!
(mauh) Liz